Wise官方更新了US BANK银行账户
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Wise 官方表示,美国账户的银行信息发生了变更,包括 ACH 和路由号码、Account number,运营银行由 Evolve Bank and Trust 变更为 Community Federal Savings Bank
Due to an operational change, your local USD account details are changing. To avoid any delays in sending or receiving USD payments, it’s important you:
• Share your new details with any friends or businesses that send you money
• Update any direct debits you have authorised
• Update any platforms you use to receive payments, like Amazon or Stripe
• Update your online banking if that’s how you add money to your Wise account
You can find your new account details in your USD balance. Or, just click below.Your old account details will continue to work until October 18, 2023. After that, any payments sent to these details will automatically be refunded to the sender. And any direct debits using these details will fail.
We’re sorry about the inconvenience during this transition. You can find more information about how your updated account details work here.
The Wise Team如果仔细留意过wise银行账户的用户应该知道,早些年wise绑定的就是Community Federal Savings Bank,后来和Evolve Bank and Trust 银行合作后,美国的银行账户变成了Evolve Bank and Trust , 之前的Community Federal Savings Bank处于可用但是系统标注为”旧账户”的状态。
这次变更是把之前的Community Federal Savings Bank 又变回来了。
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